What is CIRCUIT?
BSS will collaborate with and coach school level teams in response to individual student referrals related to severe behaviors. Students must be (a) in referral for or (b) currently receiving Special Education services in order to qualify for CIRCUIT services. A district may make a CIRCUIT referral if the behavior(s) meet the criteria of severe, including: eloping from campus, serious self-injury, or serious injury to peer or staff that requires medical attention. Steps for completing a CIRCUIT referral are listed below.

The CIRCUIT administrator screens referrals by contacting the special education supervisor. If the referral meets criteria, the Behavior Support Specialist (BSS) Coordinator will email the school administrator requesting the completion of the Classroom Observation Tool and one to two weeks of scatterplot or ABC data.
For those target behaviors that do not meet CIRCUIT criteria, district staff is referred for professional learning opportunities and resources.

Upon receiving the Classroom Observation Tool and one to two weeks of data, the BSS Coordinator will determine if the referral necessitates the assistance of a behavior support specialist. If criteria is met, the BSS Coordinator will assign a behavior support specialist to the referral. The BSS will send the administrator an intake packet for completion. Within the intake packet, the administrator will identify a school team. The school team may consist of the LEA Supervisor, classroom teacher, assistant principal, and additional staff who work with the student.
For those target behaviors that do not meet CIRCUIT criteria, district staff is referred for professional learning opportunities and resources.

Behavior Support Specialists (BSS) will collaborate with and coach the school district team as members complete the following as needed:
- Interviews with the following: student, teachers, and parent/guardians regarding the student’s behavior and/or classroom management
- Direct observations of student behavior in school settings
- Information gathering tools
- Functional Behavior Assessment Process Guide
- Behavior Intervention Planning tools if warranted by the FBA