In Person Learning

Training Descriptions

This training is designed for school-wide behavior teams. During this two-day training, lecture, team activities, and team discussion and reflection will be used to familiarize team members with core components of Tier 1 School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS). During the training, team members will practice evaluating their school’s current level of implementation of SWPBS. At the conclusion of the training, team members will make an action plan for improving the implementation of SWPBS in their school. 

To facilitate participation in team activities, teams should bring any of the following information/data that is available to the workshop. Do not worry if your school has not created many of these things, we will discuss them during the training!

  • Current school-wide expectations, behavior matrix, etc.
  • Discipline policy/procedure – handbook, flowchart, referral form, behavior definitions, etc. 
  • Discipline data or any other school-wide behavior data (ex. class observations/walkthroughs)
  • Lesson plans for teaching school-wide expectations
  • Calendar for staff PD on school-wide behavior supports or classroom management
  • School-wide reward and recognition programs for students and staff (ex. Student of the week, Fun Fridays, STAR tickets and school store, etc.
Due to the team focus for this workshop, a specific registration process will be used. Steps are outlined below. Each workshop will be limited to five school behavior teams. 
  1. Click on the event you want to attend in the calendar below to register for 5 Essential Components of School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports
  2. Team leader – Complete the google form for registration. The team leader will select the training their team wants to attend from the dropdown menu in question one and complete the remaining questions to provide information about their school and team members. 
  3. Arkansas Behavior Support Specialists – send each team member listed on the google form instructions for registering for the training through a private escWorks event. 
  4. Each team member – register for the private escWorks event. 
  5. Each team member – Watch the video linked in the registration email prior to the workshop.  Completion of the Response to Intervention for Behavior video on the Arkansas Behavior Support Specialists’ website is recommended but not required. This video will take no more than 30 minutes to complete. 
  6. Attend the selected workshop!

The Arkansas Behavior Specialists are committed to making our events accessible to everyone.  If you require accommodations, please email the BSS trainer as soon as possible.

This training is an introduction to Antecedent Based Interventions (ABIs).  ABIs are interventions that increase the likelihood of appropriate behaviors and/or decrease the likelihood of problem behaviors by changing events that occur before a behavior. Throughout this course, you will learn about several different ABIs including Visual Supports, Priming, Highly Preferred Materials, Offering Choices, Premack Principle, High Probability Requests and Noncontingent Reinforcement.  Participants will be introduced to each ABI and learn how to implement each one with fidelity. 

The Arkansas Behavior Specialists are committed to making our events accessible to everyone.  If you require accommodations, please email the BSS trainer as soon as possible.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the fastest-growing developmental disability and with that, districts are serving more students with autism than ever before. It is critical that school personnel have the knowledge and skills to recognize, identify, and support students with ASD within a timely manner to prevent and/or support potential behavioral, social, and communication challenges which may negatively impact overall outcomes for the student. This training is designed to help teachers and school staff recognize the core features of autism, including both visible and invisible characteristics, as well as underlying deficits and possible classroom implications. This training will also cover the prevalence of ASD as well as co-existing conditions in addition to contrasting medical diagnosis versus educational identification of autism spectrum disorders.

This is a fun, interactive workshop for implementing positive reinforcement in the classroom to increase positive academic and social behaviors in students with diverse disabilities. Participants will learn and understand how to customize various token economy systems for the whole class as well as individual students. Participants will create brag tags, tagulators, punch cards, and break-away behavior lanyards to use in their settings, prepare one of the token economy systems, and create needed materials for their whole class or an individual student.

The Arkansas Behavior Specialists are committed to making our events accessible to everyone.  If you require accommodations, please email the BSS trainer as soon as possible.

This is a two-day workshop designed for Tier 2 school behavior teams. 

Team members will become familiar with core components of Tier 2 Systems of School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS), as described by the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI). Some core components include: identifying students in need of Tier 2 behavior supports, requests for assistance forms, progress monitoring at the intervention and individual student levels, and fidelity of implementation of Tier 2 behavior supports. Each team will leave the workshop with an action plan for improving Tier 2 SWPBS systems in their school building.

Prerequisite Training:  The team leader must complete the Tier 2 SWPBS: Team Composition and Operating Procedures online module through 

The Arkansas Behavior Specialists are committed to making our events accessible to everyone.  If you require accommodations, please email the BSS trainer as soon as possible.

Essential Behavior Concepts will explain how behavior is learned and changed through experience. The focus of this training is not to provide a list of behavior interventions, but rather to provide a foundation for understanding behavior that will help facilitate more meaningful analysis and problem-solving of issues related to student behavior. Participants will be introduced to and apply the following concepts: ABC contingency, behavior, antecedents, consequences, setting events, and function.

The Arkansas Behavior Specialists are committed to making our events accessible to everyone.  If you require accommodations, please email the BSS trainer as soon as possible.

Essential Classroom Management is an interactive training designed to help the general educator promote positive behaviors in the classroom. Participants will learn to define behavior expectations as well as establish rules and routines for the classroom. Specific strategies will address building relationships with students, increasing student engagement, and encouraging other positive behaviors in the classroom through classwide reinforcement systems. Strategies for responding to inappropriate behaviors will also be discussed. Each participant will create a classroom management plan. This training addresses High Leverage Practices (HLP) HLP #7: Establish a Consistent, Organized and Respectful Learning Environment; HLP #8: Provide Positive and Constructive Feedback to Guide Students’ Learning and Behavior; HLP #16: Use Explicit Instruction; and HLP #18: Use Strategies to Promote Active Student Engagement.

The Arkansas Behavior Specialists are committed to making our events accessible to everyone.  If you require accommodations, please email the BSS trainer as soon as possible.

During this training, participants will review the historical and procedural requirements of a Functional Behavioral Assessment. Participants will also utilize the AR BSS’ “FBA Process Guide” while learning and practicing the components of a Functional Behavioral Assessment. Components include defining the target behavior, indirect and direct assessments, data analysis through graphing data, function, hypothesis statements, and writing an FBA summary report through the use of the AR BSS’ “FBA Summary Report”. Participants will become familiar with next step options once the FBA is complete. This training addresses High Leverage Practice (HLP) 10: Conduct Functional Behavioral Assessments to Develop Individual Student Behavior Support Plans.

The Arkansas Behavior Specialists are committed to making our events accessible to everyone.  If you require accommodations, please email the BSS trainer as soon as possible.

This training is specifically tailored for those implementing small groups for behavior in their building and/or school campus. Participants will delve into the essential components, gaining the knowledge to identify students requiring targeted behavior support. The session will cover key elements of small group instruction for behavior, encompassing setup, preparation, implementation, and progress monitoring.

 The Arkansas Behavior Specialists are committed to making our events accessible to everyone.  If you require accommodations, please email the BSS trainer as soon as possible. 

Targeted participants: School counselors, administrators, specialists

As an educator, do you feel like you are constantly competing with friends, technology, and instant access to information? Do your students seem unmotivated and uninterested? Come to this one-day workshop to enhance your strategies to engage students in a variety of classroom contexts! Learn about how student voice, student choice, and reinforcement can be leveraged to increase student involvement and motivation to learn.

The Arkansas Behavior Specialists are committed to making our events accessible to everyone.  If you require accommodations, please email the BSS trainer as soon as possible. 


This training is an introduction to Targeted Behavior Interventions.  In this training, you will be introduced to the Student Intervention Matching (SIM) Form. The SIM Form is used for students identified as “at risk” and helps match the behaviors exhibited by the student to possible Tier II interventions. The interventions include School Home Note, Check-In Check-Out, Class Pass, Positive Peer Reporting, Behavior Contract, Self-Monitoring and Small Group Social Emotional Learning. Participants will learn how to complete and score the SIM Form, match the student needs to interventions and implement each of the interventions with fidelity.

The Arkansas Behavior Specialists are committed to making our events accessible to everyone.  If you require accommodations, please email the BSS trainer as soon as possible.


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Calendar of Events

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